Bike-a-Thon II Testimonials

“I send you 25.00 dollars in memory of Hrant Torossian died Sept. 22 ‘99. He was [a] very good Armenian [who] love[d] his country very much.”
Therese Taylor

“Dear ATG members: [The] enclosed check is for the Bike-a-Thon fundraising to purchase 4 milk cooling containers. I hope you surpass your goal! Good luck to Vatche on his bike ride!”
Sonia Preston

“Good luck on the milk project and the Bike-a-Thon.”
George Asadorian

“Tell Vatche we are cheering for him.”

“Dear ATG: [It’s] always good to hear from you. Glad to know you are still active! Congratulations and kudos to Vatche Soghomonian! All the best”
Hapet J. Kharibian

“Dear Varoujan: What a sweet guy that Vatche is. He has a kind soul, ‘Hai sird’ for his fellow Armenians. And from his picture, he’s no youngster. I contribute to Mrs. Mugar’s trees also, it’s too bad they cut their trees for firewood. Thank goodness they have people like you to help them. Best regards”
Seda [Barnes]

“Please know that my mother, [who is] 96 years old, is a Genocide survivor, and she thanks you for all your efforts.”
Ardemis Topalian

“Good luck on this project!”

“Hi Varoujan, [I’m] sending a donation in the memory of ‘Uncle Art’.”
Beth Broussalian

If you have something to say about ATG that you would like posted on our testimonials page, please contact the ATG office:
– by phone (559-224-1000)
– by mail (550 E. Shaw, Suite 130; P.O. Box 5969; Fresno, CA 93755-5969)
– or by e-mail