A. Babette Gainer — Branch Chief, Evaluation and Special Projects, U.S. Department of Agriculture

A. Babette Gainer
Branch Chief, Evaluation and Special Projects, U.S. Department of Agriculture
September 8, 2000

Mr. Varoujan Der Simonian
Executive Director
Armenian Technology Group
1322 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 255
Fresno, CA 93710

Dear Mr. Der Simonian,

The Armenian Technology Group (ATG) Food for Progress (FFP) Agreement number FCC 111-8/258-00 was signed with the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) on February 2, 1998. This agreement provided 3,000 metric tons of wheat. Our records show 2,966 15 MT was received in Armenia. CCC’s total cost of commodities and ocean transportation was $442,139.47. We recommend closing this agreement.

We appreciate ATG carrying out this Food for Progress agreement in Armenia. In our review and evaluation of this project, we found that your reports provided an adequate, transparent accounting of both the donated commodities and the proceeds generated from commodity sales. The payment covering ATG’s final reimbursement has cleared Export Credits and should be deposited directly into your bank soon. Your annual audit has been received and accepted. There are no other issues related to this agreement. We consider all terms and conditions of this signed agreement completed with no additional reporting required. Please be aware that all records related to this agreement must be maintained in your files for three years.

We appreciate ATG’s cooperating in carrying out this agreement and completing all reporting requirements.


A. Babette Gainor
Branch Chief
Evaluation and Special Projects Branch
[U.S. Department of Agriculture]